5 Ways To Fix Your Loose Vagina

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Cyn, your board certified OBGYN, national speaker and vulvar skin specialist.  I help women to understand and optimize the skincare of the vulva, or what I like to call the Private Face.  I want women to realize that the Private Face can be just as beautiful as their public face.  As women mature, we sometimes realize that our vagina just doesn’t act the same.  We notice that our vagina doesn’t have the same tightness or sensitivity.  Despite our intense desires, our vagina has become non-compliant, despondent and sometimes down right disrespectful. 

Here are 5 steps to discipline, replenish and accentuate the vagina’s full potential:

1. Kegel exercise

Kegel exercises are simple movements that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.  These muscles help to support the vagina as well as the bladder and rectum.  The easiest way to begin Kegel exercise is by trying to stop your urination mid-stream.  Try to hold the urine stream for 3 seconds and then release.  When you can stop the urination for 5 seconds, then you can try more advanced Kegel exercises.

2. Vaginal Laser and Radio-frequency Rejuvenation

Both laser and radio-frequency heat up the vaginal tissues, resulting in increased collagen formation.  The increased collagen improves vaginal tightening and female sexual function.

3. O shot

The O shot is also called the orgasm shot.  It’s created by taking platelet rich plasma from your own blood.  The plasma is injected in the clitoris.  This stimulates blood flow and cell growth.

4. G shot

The G shot is an injection of a hyaluronic acid base filler.  It’s injected into the G-spot, or Grafenburg spot.  This is an erogenous zone within the vagina that is located on the roof of the vagina, right below the urethra.  This shot can enhance orgasms for some women.  Side note…..If you have never experienced, the G-spot is not for you.  This injection is for women who has lost their ability to orgasm or for those who desire to improve the quantity and quality of the experience.

5. The Vulvacious Mindset

Tightening your pelvic muscles and improving moisture is only have the solution to energizing the vagina.  Your engine can be a well oiled machine but if you don’t have the key to turn on that engine, you’re not going anywhere.  It’s important for women to remove distractions and fall back in love with their own self to truly magnify the power of the vagina.

I am Dr. Cyn, your board certified OBGYN, national speaker and vulvar skin specialist.  I help women to understand and optimize the skincare of the Private Face so they are able to realize that this area can be just as beautiful as their public face.  If you would like to become part of the Vulvacious village, please follow me on all social media platforms @DrCynOBGYN. 

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